1 ~ I love when my turn signal syncs up with the beat of the song on my car stereo, just for a second.
2 ~ I love the way my insides tingle when I hold blue kyanite.
3 ~ I love orzo pasta.
4 ~ I love natural redheads. For hours at a time, if I can.
5 ~ I love how every time I get a really weird song stuck in my head, I turn on the radio and it's playing.
6 ~ I love when Cosmo gets the Kitty Zooms and runs at breakneck speed from one end of my apartment to the other, then screeches to a halt and looks at me as if to say, "Quoi?" before returning to his butt-licking regimen as if nothing interesting had just happened.
7 ~ I love how on some people's skin, tattoos are raised just slightly as if they were drawn in Braille; but on others, they're smooth, just part of the skin itself. (Mine are the Braille variety, just FYI.)
8 ~ I love my shoulders, especially the picture they create when teamed with the Epic Adventure that is my cleavage.
9 ~ I love that I kick so much ass at Trivial Pursuit.
10 ~ I love the tiny white pencils they give you at IKEA.
Now, it's your turn--go forth to your own blog and make a list of Ten Small Things You Love for No Big Reason.
I have two tattoos, and the one on my wrist is of the Braille type, while the one on my ankle is not. Odd, that.
I've been reading you for ages, and I enjoy your journal a lot. You make me think, which is always a good thing. Thanks.
Posted by: Owldaughter | March 23, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Here's mine:
Posted by: kmc | March 26, 2007 at 08:59 PM
And here's mine ...true to form, I couldn't keep it to just 10.
Posted by: Racu | March 27, 2007 at 07:11 AM
I did the list, thanks for the inspiration. I have a celtic moon tattoo on my mid back and it's raised.
Posted by: Aurora Rising | March 27, 2007 at 07:58 AM
Oddly, my one tattoo was raised for the first month or so and now is part of the skin and flat. So maybe it's just how long it takes to adjust?
Posted by: Racu | March 27, 2007 at 09:52 AM