1 - I love the color of my eyes. Sometimes they're a sort of sea-grey, sometimes almost brilliantly blue. They have been described as "mischievous" and "mysterious," which pleases me. I also have dark lashes, so I don't have to wear mascara--good thing, too, as I am apparently allergic to it and most if it is made of dead bats and gay baby whales and other horrifying things. (Actually I hardly ever wear makeup at all, thanks to #7.)
2 - I love my feet. They're cute, and small, and I have nicely-formed toes that I always keep painted some form of dark red or purple. Even the blisters and calluses forming on the soles are good to me, for they mean I've been dancing and am toughening up. When I was a kid I ran barefoot on hot asphalt all summer long, so I had very tough feet. I still go barefoot in places I probably shouldn't, like my apartment parking lot, but my feet enjoy it. My feet have carried me throughout my life and hopefully will continue to, bad ankles and fat girl knees and all. As they say in Nia, your feet are "the hands that touch the Earth."
3 - I love my shoulders. They're strong and have a graceful line, especially when I'm standing up straight and proud (which thrusts my breasts forward, so it's a win-win situation, really).
4 - I love the overall shape of my body. I have an hourglass figure with about four extra hours poured into it (I have time on my ass), but regardless of size I like having a defined waist and serious curves. My torso is short and my legs are comparatively long, so long skirts with slits look outrageously good on me.
5 - I love how flexible I am. It always surprises people that I can bend myself in so many interesting shapes despite the tummy and thighs in the way. I've always been flexible; I was a gymnast as a child, and actually won ribbons and such on the balance beam. Then someone told me I was too fat to ever be a real gymnast, and I took it to heart, unfortunately, and quit. It took me decades to regain my love for movement--this time on my own terms.
6 - I love my hands. They do my work, and the work of the Goddess and God, in this lifetime; they're also small and cute like my feet. The only problem I have with them is that I have Essential Tremor so they shake almost constantly, which makes it very hard for me to paint in detail or handwrite for long periods of time. When I'm really tired I look like a traveling earthquake. They do so many other things, though, that I don't mind so much. I even like the v-shaped scar on my left ring finger from a kitchen shear incident when I was 18.
7 - I love my skin. I was blessed with remarkably clear, porcelain skin that has miraculously few blemishes and only develops mild acne right before I bleed. I freckle like a redheaded stepchild if I'm out in the sun, but I try not to do that, as I like being pale and creamy like the flesh of a cherimoya.*
8 - I'm not as fond of my internal organs, to be honest--my digestive system is afflicted with IBS and I have a sinus arrhythmia that makes life a bit hairy sometimes--but I must say I love how my body is able to adapt to whatever insanity I put her through. She'll put up with crap food and no sleep for a while, then start sending out reminder notices that I need to get my accounts balanced or there will be hell to pay. When I take better care of myself, she responds with praise and rewards galore. People talk as if the mind is smarter than the body, but I think the body has its own wisdom, a wisdom that reaches back much farther than the development of the human intellect. If I give my body half a chance, she'll step up to any challenge.
9 - I love my hair, though it drives me crazy. I have a lot, lot, lot of hair. Always have. The older I get the more I appreciate it. Several stylists have gotten panicky when they stuck their hands in it, and the usual line is "Damn, girl, you have a lot of hair!" Even though I've dyed it every color you can imagine (I have no real memory of my natural color except that it's mousy and uninteresting), it's still healthy and soft. We argue constantly about its refusal to pick a direction and that one spot that tries to curl no matter what, but overall, Iove my hair.
10 - I love my tattoos. I want more. Lots more. At present I have three: a butterfly on my right shoulder blade, a spider on my left shoulder blade, and a snake on my left upper arm. I'm a one-woman zoo over here. I'm thinking of getting tattoos to celebrate dance on my feet, and possibly "ahimsa" on my right arm with a lotus or other symbol, but those designs are all in development and I'm not in any particular hurry. I love that I deliberately took on the pain in order to seek beauty. A friend of mine often says, "make the pain count." As with skin, so with life, I pray.
All right, it's your turn. Go forth and make a list of ten things you love about your body, inside or out. If you love the little mole on your elbow that's shaped like Missouri, or the way your eyes crinkle, or your mastectomy scars, or your right pinkie finger, say so. We spend too much time talking about what is wrong with our bodies, what we hate, what we wish we could change--let's talk about things we love. Your body will thank you for it.
* - You must try a cherimoya, also known as a "custard apple," sometime if you find one and can afford it.
Yikes! I'm first:
1. I love my height. 6'0'' for a girl is freakishly tall, somehow more so now that I live on the East Coast as opposed to the West where I grew up. I can look men in the eye which can be hugely helpful sometimes. A pain though to find pants that fit.
2. I love my hair. Herbal Essences 44R is *bright* red and it's been such for 10 years.
3. I love my feet for the same callouses and scruffy-ness that you probably got running barefoot in unusual places.
4. I love my eyes. Green in the sun, brown indoors. Color-changing eyes rock.
5. I love the scar on my hand. I earned it while falling off a set of steps with my 1 year old son in my arms. That hand kept his head off the concrete and the scar reminds me every day. Mama-Badge.
6. I love my fingernails. They usually grow quite nicely as long as I don't do anything too stupid with them. Like trying to pick the lock to bike in grade school. I still can't believe that worked.
7. I love my shoulders. Broader than most for a woman (see #1), but it suits me and lets me give bigger hugs too.
8. I love my legs. Not for the shapely and sexy reasons, more for the fact that they've brought me this far. Hiking in 34 of 50 states, 300 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail, and through the Army. With miles to go before I sleep.
9. I love my tears. Or at least I have learned to love them. There is more strength in tears than in laughter I have found and that says volumes.
10. I love my hands. They hold my kids. They touch my husband. They ward my circle. They type my thoughts. How cool is that?
Great topic. Waiting for Body Scared in the mail from Amazon this week.
Posted by: rebelleink | March 04, 2008 at 11:41 AM
This is a tough one for me. Self love.. imagine!
1 - Everything about my eyes. Eyes are the windows of the soul and I've been told they are my best feature. They are a clear indicator to mood swings too! :)
2 - I love my feet. I love what you said about feet! I too have walked many a mile barefoot and given the choice (and warmer climate than Ont Canada at the moment) I would be barefoot all the time. I dont pedi them as often as I should, but they bear the scars and callouses of a road well travelled from the school of hard knocks to home.
3 - I love my mouth. Soft, sensual, and most often smiling.
4 - I love the way my body immediately reflects even the tiniest weight loss by making me feel like a princess who has just had that slipper fit.
5 - I love my hair. It's long, and healthy and strong. Most at my age have it short. I'm glad and proud not to be "most".
6 - I love my hands. another of my best features. Regardless of my body size or shape, my hands have always been delicate and soft. They too bear the scars of hard labour, but they are a mother's hands, a lover's hands, the hands of one who toils in the earth.
7 - I love my Breasts. Large, pendulous, round and firm. They gave nourishment to three beautiful children and hours of pleasure to at least 2 of 3 husbands! LOL (children all has same father... just for the record :) )
8 - I love my lungs. As a chronic Asthmatic, I love that they tell me instantly when I've been neglecting them by missing meds or eating foods I should not. It's like having my own internal police unit.
9 - I love my sense of humour. I love my quick wit and the laughter I enjoy each and every day. It soothes and heals the soul.
10 - I love my tattoos. I love that each one was carefully thought out and represents something significant in my life. My wolf on my shoulder, my totem. The lotus flower in the small of my back representing beauty and healing..the flower of Kwan Yin. The Japanese kanji below it which says, "Love peace and prosperity" if you are my parents or my kids, but really says "Beneath Master's Hand." And my willow tree who's roots become a vine that encircles my left ankle to join with a star on the inside.
Wow.. I did it!! I found 10! It is a day to celebrate! xoxo
Posted by: Willow | March 04, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Mine are up at http://gleewood.org/threshold/2008/03/04/ten-things-i-love-about-my-body/
Hair, eyes, ears, height, feet, hands, curves, lungs, calves, and shoulders.
Great post, and I'm hoping the idea spreads.
Posted by: Jenett | March 04, 2008 at 12:43 PM
I am a horrible, horrible pagan. I used to love my body, I always had an hourglass shape (same on top and bottom and 10" smaller in the middle-regardless of my size), nice well-shaped breasts, neither too big nor too small, fabulous skin and eyebrows, a nicely shaped nose and sexy lips..and legs..omfg did I have the legs.
Now...I hate my body, it's 100 pounds heavier, cellulite has taken over my once gorgeous thighs. I'm so fair-complected that I could have steeped in cocoa butter during pregnancy and it wouldn't have made a difference...I have stretch marks from hell. As if the ones I got with the first kid at 19 weren't bad enough, I compounded them with the second kid at 45. The boobs...omg, let's not even go there. The eyebrows are doing all these wacky things, including going grey where they're thinner and getting long, thick, oddly curled hairs where they're thicker. My lips have gotten old lady too thin, my skin, even though I've taken care of it, is starting to sag and get age spots.
Some folks I guess would chastise me and say, shame on you, you're beautiful, those are badges of motherhood and longevity (yeah, like I want THAT one), and you should be proud of blah blah... Well, you know what, I thumb my nose at you. I have as much right to hate the huge gut, and the thunder thighs, and the age-spotted skin that's slowly going crepey on me as you do to love yours. My knees hurt, and I am not anywhere near as flexible as I was 30 years ago, and a lot of that has nothing to do with weight, I think...
To keep you from thinking I'm just the most horrible Wiccan ever...there are a few things I still like about my body.
I do still love my hair. I decided nearly two years ago to stop dying it. I made the decision that I'd rather have full, thick, grey hair as opposed to thin hair that was gorgeously red (my stylist and I had *finally* found the right formula of natural hair dyes), so I told Morgana to take it off to the color line (which was all of about an inch and a quarter at the time) and haven't looked back. My hair is grey, but it's also long, thick, shiny, and will wave and curl in the right humidity.
Even though my hands are short fingered and losing strength, I love them because they hold my son and pet my cats and dog and let me feel the world around me and the things I create come from my hands as well as my mind.
I love my sight because as an artist, I would be lost without it, and my ability to differentiate between the smallest gradation hue has always been nothing less than amazing.
There...some redemption :p I must age, but I don't have to like it...well, not all of it, finally getting rid of the moon cycles from HELLLLLLL has been very nice--I still have periods, but they're few and far between and negligible. W00t!
Posted by: Racu | March 04, 2008 at 12:43 PM
1. I love my pretty feet... my toes are all the right length, and I almost never have a callus. They are graceful and nimble... they take me everywhere.
2. I love the freckle on my neck... it's shaped like a heart, and my mother always called it an "angel kiss"
It's made me feel special and unique.
3. I love my hands... they are very delicate, and my fingers are long and tapered... artist hands. They create new things every day from culinary masterpieces, to creative sketches, to oil paintings, to pottery, to hair falls, crochet... and done loads and loads of data entry. It never fails to amaze me.
4. I love my grey eyes... the compliments I receive on them make me feel good, and the things I see through them contribute to my art.
5. I love my mind... it's been filled with new creative ideas, and thoughts that drive my existence.
6. I love my imagination... with it I've written so many fantastic things, and thought of whole new worlds that exist beyond what I see... it keeps me entertained constantly even when I appear to be sitting and doing nothing, my imagination runs like a balloon set free in the wind.
7. I love my tattoos... 2 of them were created by me, so they have a lot of meaning hidden in them. Secrets that only I know hidden in pictures and displayed daringly on my flesh.
8. I love my sence of humor... even though I'm the only one who "gets" my jokes 100% of the time... at least I crack MYSELF up... that's all that really matters in the end.
9. I love my "made up words"... they make people laugh, and it's always amusing when I hear other people use them... especially when it was passed down to someone I hadn't met yet that picked it up through someone I do know.
10. I love my back... it's got strong lines and definition. It certainly has carried a lot of things through my life.
I should thank it with a deep tissue massage soon ; )
**I'm a new reader, but I adore your Blog... just so you know.
I look forward to more motivational and uplifting blogs of yours.
Posted by: rochellestarr | March 04, 2008 at 12:51 PM
I am also a new reader of your blog and absolutely love your posts and writing style. I followed suit and posted ten things. Your's were well rounded and made me chuckle.
Posted by: Manda | March 04, 2008 at 02:15 PM
1. I love the color of my hair. My hair starting going gray when I was 22. I immediately started coloring my hair. When I turned 40 I stopped coloring it. Mainly for these reasons. I was tired of the upkeep (rapid grow out to almost completely white roots), I didn’t care if men wanted dark hair, and I felt that dumping those chemicals on my body and into the earth was something I couldn’t do any more. No one was more surprised then me when I discovered that my hair? Is GORGEOUS! Silver silver silver with a few stay dark hairs that look black. Not white, not yellowed white. SILVER. It shines and glows and strangers, and friends, of both genders, stop to tell me how much they love the color of my hair. Who knew?
2. The color of my eyes. Some days they are grey, some blue, and some green. Depends on the weather and what I’m wearing. And it appears my moods. I love that they do that.
3. I love my hands. My hands bring me more joy than anything else I can imagine. My hands create art. They hold books. They caress others. They can flip the bird. They love texture and textile and the sensation of touch. My hands are square, sturdy, have short nails, and the skin is getting wrinkly from washing them so much to keep them clean so they don’t get my textile work dirty. And when I look at them, they remind me of my mother’s hands. I am adopted and we don’t share blood but that isn’t the similarity. My mother and I both have capable, working hands. Hands that have lived life, healed, created, loved, mourned. And they look like it. I never want to have hands that look like I don’t even wash my own coffee cup. Goddess bless and keep my hands that they last as long as my heart.
4. I love my breasts. My perfectly sized, perfectly round (beginning to sag a bit) breasts. I have rocked them to make sure a lump was benign, they have rocked others, they are dense, and at almost 49 years old, I have to say I am very lucky in this arena.
5. My hourglass figure. A body any romance painter would love. But not Elle or 17. Nope. Womanly, shapely, curvey, have a waist, built for romance not for speed. Although I was a sprinter early in this life. Fast as the wind, over hurdles even. Not so curvy then. Time changes everthing and that included this body. After much work I finally love it. Love. Her.
6. My brain. I did a lot of damage when I was younger. Killed a lot of brain cells. And when I got sober I worked my butt off to get to a place where I could begin a monologue and remember my point a couple minutes later. But I stll have trouble with my short term memory and while the frustrates me some times, there are tools available to me. Paper, pen, computer, email. And once something makes it past my short term memory it stays. I still have a great empty spaces ready for filling. *har* And fill them I will because my brain? Can read. And does.
7. The three freckles on my right forearm in the formation of Orion, my favorite constellation seen with the naked eye.
8. My straight teeth earned as a child with braces and other dental accoutrement for 9 years. I take good care of my precious teeth, dental health is not to be sniffed at. Poor dental health can kill you. Darn, wish this country would get on with health and dental care for all. Thank you my parents. I hated them but glad for them now.
9. My tattoo, left bicep. The only one I will ever have that I know of. Not because I don’t want more. I do. I have plans. But I am allergic to nickle. Getting this tattoo to heal in 1992 was a nightmare. And we had to ink it twice. Still a mottled dark gray and never black as it was meant to be. The guy denied that ink had metals in it. Dumbshit. I earned this tattoo through more pain than it’s making. It is in the tribal fashion, an arm band, designed by me with points and dots, it is a faery crown. I had it done as a dedication to Her. And She calls me back when I stray, reminds me that me devotion is written in my skin. I didn’t know about the Fae at the time. But they know about me. And I’m very glad about that.
10. I guess I love something this body is capable of doing. Feeling. I love that I get to feel emotions, movement, smell strawberries and the spring daphne, to taste chocolate and the perfect garlic sauce on braised chicken, the sweet and the savory, the lush and the spare. I can dance, make move, work, create. I am so glad that what this body has done, no matter what I have thrown its way, is live.
Posted by: Cynthia | March 04, 2008 at 02:31 PM
I also posted mine in my own journal. I can't believe I came up with 10! Thank you so much for such an inspiring post!
Posted by: Mimi | March 04, 2008 at 08:16 PM
I actually posted my list to my own blog. I'll link it here. http://atuinsails.livejournal.com/22419.html
Posted by: A'tuin | March 05, 2008 at 07:25 AM
This was a great exercise. It's good to stop to remind yourself that there's plenty to love about yourself. Thanks Dianne!
I posted mine at my blog.
Posted by: Angela-Eloise | March 05, 2008 at 12:18 PM
Hmm...let's see...
1) I love my hair. It never does what I want it to do (definitely a mind of it's own!) but whatever it is doing, it usually does it well. Hell I barely have to brush it when I get up in the morning! It's about 3 different colors and always shiny.
2) I love my eyes. They're deep brown, with a reddish tint, and they look "older" than my face. They speak volumes that I could never put into words.
3) I love my eyebrows. They've got an awesome shape...at least, when they behave they do. Beautiful smooth, angled arches.
4) I love my mouth. My lips are soft and beautifully shaped. My teeth are straight and just the right color of white. I even love my quirky messed up front tooth.
5) I love my shoulders. They're strong and do what I need them to do; as well as beautiful.
6) I love my hands. Dirt, grease, scars and all!
7) I love my stomach. I'm not sure how I got the six pack, but I have one, and I love it. I have a navel ring that I got when I was 14, and a tribal tattoo that curves gently along my right hip bone. I look awesome in a crop top and low rise skirt or jeans.
8) I love my legs. They're freakishly strong and ready to do some serious ass kicking! Literally! :D
9) I love my feet. I love the way the tendons stick out when I flex them just the right way, and the graceful way they tend to flex when I'm sitting.
10) I love my toes. They're freakishly long and a little oddly shaped, but I think they'd look mighty funny if they were any different.
Posted by: Danmara | March 05, 2008 at 01:27 PM
Mine are posted at http://www.spiritblog.net/?p=1044.
Great idea!
Posted by: Heather | March 05, 2008 at 05:53 PM
1. I my face. I was blessed with hazel almond eyes, naturally arched eyebrows, high cheekbones and full lips. I used to not like it because I thought it was too round in my younger days, but now I appreciate its uniqueness and beauty.
2. I love my legs because they are freakishly strong. I've got muscley thighs and big calves and a powerful butt. I could pull a semi if I put my mind to it.
3.I love my skin. It's milky white and almost blemish free even though I wasn't so nice to it in the past. Now I know what I have and cherish it like a gift.
4.I Love my breasts. Very well formed and perky. My lover says that they are "fun". I have to agree.
5.I Love my hair. It's fine but thick. It has turquoise streaks in it now and is naturally a hazelnut color. I just got a great haircut so I am liking it even more now.
6.I love my beauty mark on my neck. It's the same Exact one that my grandmother had. It connects me to her even though she's gone now.
7.I love my sense of smell. I'm a total olfactory obsessed person. I will smell anything.
8.I love my hands. They are cute and small.
9.I love my teeth. They are straight without having to have had braces at all.
10.I love that I am talented and intellegent and spiritual.
okay I cheated on that last one. But there you go.
Every woman who exists in our culture should do this!
Posted by: Jag | March 05, 2008 at 08:49 PM
I posted my list over on my LiveJournal.
So far, three of my friends have done their own lists on theirs inspired by mine.
Posted by: Samantha | March 06, 2008 at 09:17 AM
I think this is my favorite post by you. I couldn't come up with ten things I like about me...it's a big issue for me. But thank you for writing about enjoying who you (plural, everyone in general) are, not what you should be. This is something I really struggle with.
Posted by: JavaStitcher | March 06, 2008 at 07:36 PM
1. I love my hands. They're small, with short fingers, much-abused cuticles, freckles, scars, and calluses--they aren't pretty at all. But they're strong, skilled, sensitive. I work with tools, with machines and electrical things and wood, and my fingers tell me all I need to know about the tight dark spaces where I can't see. They play guitar (badly--I'm learning) and they grip the rocks I climb and the weights I lift. They're the hardest workers I've got.
2. I love my lips. Perfectly formed and full, they only need a little tinted gloss and I can stop traffic.
3. I love my tattoos. The half-sleeve scene of an eagle flying over mountains and forest, with a two-inch band of Celtic knotwork in the form of cranes, on my right arm. A paw print on my shoulder blade, reminder of the animals who have touched me. A fleur-de-lis surrounded with water on my left forearm, in honor of my beloved city of New Orleans. Greek letters on each wrist, spelling the ancient words for "warrior" and "scholar".
4. I love my breasts. There's no polite way to put it: they're awe-inspiring. Even friends I've known for years get kind of hypnotized if I wear a low-cut dress.
5. I love my teeth! I've never had a single cavity. Never had braces. I didn't grow any wisdom teeth, so I never had to have any taken out. Maybe they're not movie-star white, but they're perfect.
6. I love my feet. As with my hands, they're not cute, but they're small and they're strong. They let me run and dance and climb all I want and never complain.
7. I love my eyebrows. Silly? Maybe. They're perfectly arched, and I happen to be good at plucking, and I can raise one at a time. I like how expressive they are.
8. I love my eyes. They're big and brown. I'm 27, but my dad will still do anything at all if I just turn those puppy-dog eyes on him. :) And they're nearsighted and astigmatic, but that just means I get to wear sexy-librarian glasses.
9. I love my hair. It's nothing special, really, but after the abuse I've given it with birth-control hormones and weird dyes, it's still attached to my head, and that's good enough for me.
10. I love my heart. I had a heart murmur when I was young, but it went away all by itself, and it's very healthy now.
Looking back over this list...I sure love the things that let me exercise. Guess I should go to the gym now!
Posted by: Jax | March 07, 2008 at 10:00 AM
Mine is on my blog. Thanks for the idea. It was a real pick-me-up!
Posted by: Sjh | March 07, 2008 at 12:08 PM
Dianne - I bet you look stunning in a corset.
1. My baby fingers, that are so gracefull and delicate and grow proper lady's fingernails, putting my other fingers to shame
2. My pizza-scar I got the other week. Dear god it hurt, but I kind of like it now I have it
3. My mole on the underside of my right wrist, dark like a tattoo. It is currently my favourite mole, along with
4. The mole on my right boob, in the exact place all the mole-obsessed french ladies of the past would put their fake ones
5. My tummy. I love my tummy. I should all those little crop top things to show off my lovely lovely tummy, but I havent worked up the courage yet
6. The way my boobs are the perfect size for my tiny frame
7. The way my body moves so sinuously when I bellydance
8. My smile. I smile all the time and I like it.
9. The way, occasionally when I look in the mirror to brush my teeth or whatnot, I see how incredibly beautiful I really am.
10. The way everything in my body is in proportion to everything else.
Posted by: Aradia | March 07, 2008 at 08:37 PM
1. I love my feet. I think they're damn sexy and masculine - medium-sized and lean with just the right amount of hair on them. My toes look really good too.
2. I love my legs. They're a nice thickness, nice shape. No baseball bats here. Great shape for walking around in shorts.
3. I love my chest hair. Just the right amount of curly and the right amount of straight. Just the right amount of hair, actually. I love the hair on my torso.
4. I love the shape of my body. Broad shoulders tapering off at my waist.
5. I love my arms. I love flexing them, the size and feel of my biceps and triceps and the thick veins in my forearms. I feel very powerful when assessing my arms.
6. I love my butt. It's high and thick. And I like that it's fuzzy.
7. I love my facial hair. It's soft, rather manageable, and debonair. I'm handsome.
8. I love my wrists and hands. They say "capable" to me and look like they're out of a painting.
9. I love my earring. I think piercings on thickly built guys are hot and speak to the embracing of their feminine side and uniqueness in the face of pressure to live up to superficial ideals of masculinity.
10. I love my eyes. They're light and piercing. Always beckoning. Did you know the whole world exists in my eyes?
Posted by: Centaur Cunningman | March 12, 2008 at 10:27 PM
I love my penis its helped me with life.. its been though a lot .... I love my penis
Posted by: Ogger | March 17, 2008 at 08:18 AM
1. I love my hair. It’s long—down to my hips—slightly wavy, and healthy. It’s dark, but looks like an autumn sunset in the right light.
2. I love my eyes, My stormy green eyes. Lipid. Cat-like. Wicked. Soul piercing.
3.I love my feet. They are short and flat with dark red paint. My pinky toes each have two toenails. I paint one so that the other stands out. My left one has a tattoo that covers the top that was once a henna design.
4. I love my tattoos. I have five right now, but want more. Four on my back, one on my foot. They each were thought out and carefully placed. One stands for the women of literature and myth that had a bad rap. (Hester Prynne, Medusa, Elphaba, to name a few.) The others remind me of what I have over come.
5. I love the strength of my legs, though I hate their shape.
6. I love the shallow cleft in my chin that is only noticeable when I turn my head a certain way.
7. I love my intelligence almost to the point of vanity.
8. I love my heart even though it has many health problems. It loves more than it should and makes me cry, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
9. I love the two small moles on my right breast near my nipple.
10. I love my pale skin with its Native undertones.
Posted by: Medusa75 | September 25, 2008 at 06:01 PM