I'm quite thrilled to report that my first novel, Queen of Shadows, will arrive in bookstores in September 2010.
There's no real information on it yet anywhere online, of course, but trust me, I'll update you the second I see it anywhere. I'm so happy about this series I have, literally, cried and squeed and danced in circles several times in the last month.
To those who've asked, no, it's not related to the Agency; the series is considered urban fantasy, and does involve vampires. It is not for young adults. There's violence, sex, and a variety of other situations inappropriate for tweens and younger teens.
To sum it up briefly:
Queen of Shadows begins the story of Miranda Grey, a gifted musician and empath whose powers are steadily destroying her mind. After surviving a horrific attack, she finds herself plunged headfirst into the world of vampire royalty. The choice is hers: to return to a normal life and gradually go insane, or to step up and claim her power and the dark, dangerous love that is her birthright.
So far I've mapped out three books. Berkley/Ace bought the first two with an option on the third, but I'm hoping the series will go on way past even that.
I may have excerpts and so forth closer to the publication date; at the very least the Signet Series will probably get its own website with insight into Miranda's world. Even though the entertainment 'verse is kind of supersaturated with vampires these days, I'm hoping that there's room for a story about a woman who makes her own choices, not just for twu wuv, but to create her own destiny and change the world on her own terms (while navigating the rocky waters of marriage, friendship, and politics). I'm very much in love with these characters and their universe and I hope I won't be the only one.
So that's what's new with me. :) I'm also working on the bare bones of an initial draft of a new nonfiction book, which I believe...and don't hold me to this...will be about creating your own path and finding joy and grace along the way regardless of the names of your gods or the trappings of your rituals.
That's actually the first I've said about it aloud, so, you heard it here. *laugh*
Congratulations! I am not really into vampires but I think I will read it just because you wrote it!
Posted by: Holly | September 21, 2009 at 06:07 PM
Yay! I look forward to reading the series :D
Posted by: Jennifer | September 22, 2009 at 12:35 AM
Congrats. Sounds a lot more interesting than most urban fantasy out there, and I hope many other people think so too.
Posted by: Mel | September 22, 2009 at 03:28 AM
Oh how WONDERFUL!! I have so many dreams of writing a novel, I have one started...barely!
I look forward to making space on my bookshelf for the whole series!! I can't wait!!
Posted by: Daisy Vanneste | September 22, 2009 at 06:13 AM
Congratulations! Both the fiction and the nonfiction books sound great!
Posted by: heather | September 22, 2009 at 07:11 AM
OMG! Congratulations!!!
Posted by: Kim | September 22, 2009 at 10:34 AM
Oh Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Much happiness to you. *squee*
Posted by: Jenn | September 22, 2009 at 11:40 AM
Woot! Yea you! I'm still plugging away at trying to get my fiction published (in fact, I'm giving an online class for paranormal romance writers next month, called "The Real Witch: Witchcraft Basics for the Paranormal Author" that combines my fiction and nonfiction loves). I'm SOOOO happy that you've made it with yours! I really look forward to reading it. And the nonfiction one, too, when it comes to fruition. I want you to know that I've raved about The Circle Within in my last couple of Llewellyn books :-)
Congrats again!
Deborah Blake
Posted by: Deborah Blake | September 22, 2009 at 02:30 PM
I'm so excited to hear about your new books. The fiction series sounds absolutely wonderful and I will definitely be watching for updates. Your writing speaks to me very much & sometimes reading your blog I feel like you're in my head cause I've been having some of the same issues with my pagan path and in fact have had to become a hermit for a time to try to reassess my path. I have both of your books and can't wait to read your next. In fact one of my favorite quotes of yours is part of my email signature "Graces, which are guidelines, but not laws, are a sort of compromise: they can grow and change as we do, and are not set in stone, but give us something to light the way between where we are now and where we want to be." Dianne Sylvan - The Circle Within
Pass on my love to your furries & many blessings to you.
Blessings & Grace,
Patricia Watkins
Posted by: Patricia | September 22, 2009 at 06:20 PM
YAY!!!!! I'm so excited to hear you have more books coming out. I can't wait to read "Queen of Shadows"!!
Posted by: Pomegranatemoon | September 22, 2009 at 08:22 PM
Congratulations! I'll be buying it, no question! It sounds exciting, and I love your writing style.
Posted by: vildra | September 23, 2009 at 02:56 AM
I'll make sure to send you a picture of your book on a dutch bookshelf! Can't wait ;-).
Posted by: Tessa Schlechtriem | September 23, 2009 at 06:11 AM
Congratulations!! Please post the link to Queen of Shadows as soon as it's online! (Working for a publisher, I know that means it will be a while... but working for a publisher also means I forget about every book I want to read a year from now unless someone either reminds me or pokes me in the eye with a stick. So please remind me!)
Posted by: Elysia | September 23, 2009 at 08:56 AM
Let me add my congrats, too! You are truly a gifted writer and I'm so happy that you've found a publisher for your novel. I've enjoyed stopping by from time to time - always love your perspective but this is just wonderful news and I'm so happy you are reaping the rewards from all the time you've spent at the keyboard not to mention the hours of mental movie making!! Enjoy your success!
Posted by: Rebecca | October 04, 2009 at 07:29 AM